Friendly American & Japanese family
EaglevilleUSD 2,000.00/month
We are friendly American & Japanese family. There is a community college with ESL program nearby. If you decided to take some classes at the college, it would be great chance to meet local people and make American friends. Our house is located in the middle of Manhattan, NY and Washington DC. 2 hour driving to both cities. Less than 1 hour to Philadelphia downtown by public transportation. There are many other places to go around here. Hershey Chocolate city, Harrisburg, Baltimore and etc. beside Manhattan and D.C. We moved into a brand new house 4 years ago. Rooms are still very clean. Your room will be very clean, fully furnished. You will have your own bath room. Private lesson with experienced American teacher is available as well. アメリカ人と日本人の家族で、とてもフレンドリーな雰囲気の中でホームステイを楽しんでいただけます。フィラデルフィア郊外に位置しております。近所のコミュニティカレッジでESLがあり、受講が可能です。このカレッジではESLの他にも色んなクラスが受講でき、アメリカ人の友達を作るのに最適です。家は築4年の新しい家ですので、とても清潔で、部屋のベッドや家具も新しいものです。専用バスルームもあります。 NYマンハッタン、ワシントンDCまで車で2時間の場所です。その他は、ハーシーズチョコの街、ハーシーや、ハリスバーグ、ボルチモアへも車で1時間から2時間の場所にあります。旅行される方には最適な位置です。 時間が許せばアメリカ人の夫が観光にも連れて行ってくれます。料理も好きですので、一緒に料理をしながら英語を学べます。 バス停は目の前にあり、フィラデルフィア中心地まで公共交通機関で50分程度です。
Make sure you stay with us very comfortably. If there is something you don't like or you are not comfortable with, make sure to let us know. That is the rule at our house!
- TV
- Patio
- Barbecue
- Bikes for use
- Internet Access
- Smoke Alarm
- Smoke alarm on each floor
- Laundry
- Garden
- Parking
- Tennis
- Gym
- Swimming
- Library
- Shopping Centre
- Local Bus Stop
- Hospital
- Park
- Golf
- Bowling
- Cinema
- Museum
- Amusement Park
- Restaurant
- Local Train Station
This room is a large double room for 1 person or for a couple/ family. There are TV, desk, couch and bed. Also it has a full size walk to backyard.
Max people: 1
- Desk
- Ac
- Drawers
- Wardrobe
- Nightstand
- Carpet
- Double